34. Even Paradise suffers Thunderstorms

Today was the day we would be leaving Fiji. During the night, a storm had destroyed large parts of the beach and there were algae and debris all over the place. It rained a lot (tropical climate) and neither Dilek or Vedran had brought warm clothes – they were in our backpacks which were locked in the hostel lockers on the main island.

Related article: Why did we have no clothes?

To make matters worse, we encountered a problem when the time came to pay for our dorm. The food had been included in the price we received from the agent, but the owner of the resort wanted to charge us extra for meals. Here, we should point out that the owner was Australian and not Fijian.

Last Day in Paradise

The owner was quite frustrated, and told us that he would not let us off the island if we did not pay. Even though we showed the receipt from the agency, he would not believe us. We ended up quarrelling for two hours. Finally, he called the booking agent who confirmed that the food was included in the price.

The owner then tried a new plot: He told us that we should give him the money, and later ask the agent to reimburse us. This was obviously a scam.
We told him that we were on our way to the airport and did not have time to visit the agent. We suggested instead that he, being a local, could simply visit the agent (or call him), and get the compensation himself. The owner said that this suggestion would never fly because the agencies never give reimbursements. So why then did he think that the agent would give one to us? Naturally, he had no answer to this.

Eventually, the agent sent a fax to the island owner, who finally gave in. He said that we had been right all along and apologised. Wonderful! We got on the boat transfer, rushed to our hostel on the main island, retrieved our large back-packs (in the impenetrable lockers 😊) and reached the airport in good time.

Now off to the US!

Before we leave this part of the world we wish to hear from our followers what they think of Fiji. Do you agree with our summary-article below? Let us know your experiences.

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