49. United Nations + Kelly Bundy

Those of you born before the 1990s may remember Kelly Bundy, and what a cult show “Married with Children” was. On that note: Tonight we got to meet Christina Applegate (who played Kelly Bundy)!

Vedran getting an autograph by Christina Applegate

As we were walking back to our room, we spotted her standing behind a theatre on Broadway and signing autographs for people who had just seen her show. Dilek and Vedran joined the crowd and managed to get both pictures as well as an autograph, even though we had not seen the show. That was very SWEET of Ms Applegate. For those of you who know which musical she was starring in at the time; You will have picked up on the pun.😊

Bank-Hassle & Statue of Liberty

The day began with another visit to Central Park. We had not yet had time to see the northern part of the park and wanted to take a stroll there. Then we went to several banks to try to redeem a check that had been sent to Vedran from one of his websites. However, the banks made such a fuss, more than the average bureaucracy, that we finally gave up. In the end, we never got to cash that check.

The Statue of Liberty

Instead we took a ferry to the Staten Island. The ferry passes by Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. They told us that tourist were not allowed to enter the Statue after the events of 9/11, so we figured our best option was to see her, and capture a picture, from the ferry.

United Nations

with Kofi Annan

In the afternoon, we visited the UN building, and decided to partake in a tour of the UN headquarters. It was very educational, and we recommend it to anyone visiting NYC. In fact, we mention United Nations in our top100wonders list. Technically speaking, we found ourselves on the international ground for about two hours. Kofi Annan was reportedly in the building at the same time we were, but for some reason we did not get to meet him (despite Dilek’s appeal). After reading this, you may be able to deduce which year this trip actually took place. 😊

Trump Towers is located quite near the United Nations building. We made our own tour in the building, but were not allowed to meet Trump either. At the time, Trump was just a businessman. Neither reality TV star nor President.

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